Hi all!
This October (on Saturday the 28th) we will be running our first public combat robotics event at Nottinghack. Hopefully the first of many, or at least some...
There will be a full combat antweight competition, and on the side we will be running a number of side events, including (TBC): nuts, football, sumo, obstacles... In addition, there will be an all-new experimental class called Sandbotz - for this event we will fill an antweight-sized arena with sand, and the weight limit is doubled (i.e., 300g for a standard walker).
More information can be found on the wiki page here: https://wiki.nottinghack.org.uk/wiki/Ha ... tober_2023
Please use the following google form to sign up: https://forms.gle/LHbAwgkMBDbDy1Cw6
(I had a bit of trouble getting rampage to work, next time eh)
Look forward to seeing you there!
Hacktivate! At Nottingham Hackspace (28/10)
Moderators: BeligerAnt, petec, administrator