Antweight open/AWS 2019

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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by Hogi »

Hi there. Yes, I can confirm that antweight open is still going ahead. Looks like we've good about 60 robots signed up so far so it should be a good event. :)
Daniel Jackson.

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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by coolspeedbot »

That's great to hear see you all there.
James Booth
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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by Hogi »

As we are now less than a week before the event, could I ask everyone who is planning on attending to sign up as soon as possible so that we can get an idea of numbers. Thank you.
Daniel Jackson.

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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by MySolderIsOlder »

Hi Daniel,

Do you have a rough idea of timings yet, particularly the cut-off for registration? Need to figure out how/when we can get there. Should still be possible, even with the scheduled train disruption but I don' want to miss the start.

(Already signed up BTW. Team Antiquarian and Anthony's Ant Army, with 3 rollers each)

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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by Hogi »

Timings and other event information.
We should be openibg sign ups at about 9, with fights starting at about 10.

The event will begin with a tag team tournament. This will be single elimination, and a non spinner event.

As soon as that is concluded we will begin the main tournament. This tournament will follow normal AWS rules and will most likely take the majority of the day.

Games such as the annihilators and flea and nano fights will follow the main event time permitting.

I will not be closing sign ups, however, could I please ask everyone attending the event to try and sign up as soon as possible so that I can get an idea of numbers.

As always, we will be putting on sandwiches and other snacks as well as hot and cold drinks, but if anyone would like to purchase there own food, there is a shop two doors down from the venue.

I will try to keep the event as relaxed as possible but please could everyone try to be ready to fight on time when called.

We have the venue for as long as we need it but I appreciate some people will have long journeys home so we will try to aim to be finished by 6ish.

Can't wait to see everyone there.

I can't wait to see everyone there. ☺
Daniel Jackson.

Team Hectic.

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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by Wigs »


This is my first ever event (and bots so don't laugh too much :) so I hope you can help with a couple of questions please? (This is because I reread the rules yesterday.)

All 4 of my entered bots are wheeled. nothing flies or walks. Does this mean I should only enter 3 of them for this particular event?

One of my bots is a spinner and I have an external switch at the side of it that will kill the weapon motor.
One is a flipper with no switch.
The other 2 are just pushers.

Other than taking my finger off the throttle I have no way of stopping these, or their weapons, via a button on my controller. Will this be acceptable, I am not clear on the rules here.

Thanks to you all as always.

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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by Ocracoke »

The 4th entry, under current AWS rules (, does have to be a walker or a cluster under rule 5g.
Other than taking my finger off the throttle I have no way of stopping these, or their weapons, via a button on my controller. Will this be acceptable, I am not clear on the rules here.
The robots have to have a failsafe, which must automatically kill the weapon upon signal being lost under rules 2d and 2e. Having a switch on the transmitter to turn it off and on or using the throttle control for example is OK but it spinning up when the robot is turned on is a no.

Personally, I would also look to have the drive failsafe to stop as well but this isn't explicitly listed (it is definitely a requirement in heavier weight classes). The signal being lost can be simulated by having your weapon running and then turning the transmitter off (though in your case, it being a spinner, I do recommend doing this in a safe environment).

With regards to power switches, I mandate that spinners can only be turned off and on via a switch or a removable link at the event I run. Flippers are OK to have battery plug removal with but I find it good practice to have a switch anyway.
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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by MarkR »

Wigs wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:23 pm Other than taking my finger off the throttle I have no way of stopping these, or their weapons, via a button on my controller. Will this be acceptable, I am not clear on the rules here.
The failsafe is simple - if the robot loses signal (e.g. turn off the transmitter) then it should stop. This applies mostly to spinners but should work for anything.

It depends on the receiver and speed controller. The receivers I've used mostly turn off automatically when they lose signal, but one requires a setup on the controller to set the failsafe position (throttle=0).
Robots: Betsie - RaspberryPi controlled flipper bot with gyro stablisation - too clever for her own good?
Stacie - tidy flipper; 4wd driven by hair bands
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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by Wigs »

Thanks to you both,

I will test the behaviors of my bots as you have described and that will likely dictate which one (or maybe more) I can choose to withdraw.

Will try to do this tomorrow night so I can get any offending bots off the entry list.

Cheers again, always appreciated

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Re: Antweight open/AWS 2019

Post by MarkR »

Remember that all of these rules are essentially at the event organiser's discretion, the failsafe probably doesn't matter unless it's a spinner.
Robots: Betsie - RaspberryPi controlled flipper bot with gyro stablisation - too clever for her own good?
Stacie - tidy flipper; 4wd driven by hair bands
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