2r) Robots must be clearly labeled with their names. A clusterbot must display the name of the cluster on all botlets.
[ The question here seems revolve around whether cluster-botlets must carry the name of the cluster instead of, or as well as, their individual names ]
Andrew_Hibberd wrote:...names are slipping on robots again{/quote]
BeligerAnt wrote:...we need to pay more attention to implementing the rules we have before we go about introducing new ones. Specifically,
2r) Robots must be clearly labeled with their names. A clusterbot must display the name of the cluster on all botlets.
(At least 10 robots at AWS36 without names. Does any cluster meet this rule???)
razerdave wrote:I know none of the clusterbots had their name on both halves (imagen trying to fit Ever Since The Lake Caught Fire onto that tiny RC car, which is another thing regarding sizes of nametags somewhere in the rules), but a few are formed on the day, and quite often the botlets have their own names (Divinity and Little Devil have their own, but not a Good & Evil badge). Ants should have name badges, clusters I think should be exempt.
peterwaller wrote:By the way RazorDave they both [CombatCluster botlets] had nametags with both cluster and botlet names.
razerdave wrote:Pete: Didn't realise your cluster had the cluster name too, I will bear in mind to have mine on in future, but this last AWS was not my usual entry
Personally - and I know it pains Simon to hear me say this - this is the rule I would like most removed from the current rules as I, in total honesty, don't really see why it's a requirement.
I've heard the 'for editing the video' argument but people have written the name where nobody can see it, or written it so small or in such a format as to be totally unreadable on the footage from YouTube or average digital video cameras, and I can see the line of thinking 'it's so simple, why can't you just do it?' but nobody has ever convinced me precisely why I should do it beyond 'it's in the rules', so...
This may be a personal thing as I personally think how a robot looks can be disturbed if you write its name on in big letters, I know everyone else doesn't share that view though ;P
Joey McConnell-Farber - Team Picus Telerobotics - http://picus.org.uk/ - @joey_picus
"These dreams go on when I close my eyes...every second of the night, I live another life"
As well as helping with identifying videos, it also helps massively when trying to work out what each robot is called at events, when trying to record who won each fight. When there are several new robots without names and two are fighting each other it is often difficult to remember which is which as many robots look quite similar in shape/design.
I would say it doesn't really matter where the name is on the robot, as long as it is readable when the robot is the right way up (a robot having it's name where it can't be seen is about as helpful as it not having a name on it) as when robots are fighting you tend to see all sides of the robot when it is driving around the arena.
I think a "clearly labelled" robot's name should at least be readable when it is in the arena, I'm not saying it has to be huge, just not so small that it cant be read as at that point it might as well not have a name on it.
Having edited more video and judged more rounds than anyone else, I can tell you that having a readable name on the robot makes a huge difference. I agree with Joey about people writing them on really small and I would like to clarify the rule to a minimum character size.
Regarding the comments about the aesthetics of the robots - most of them have little or no decoration in practise and if you incorporate the name into part of the design....
James wrote:As well as helping with identifying videos, it also helps massively when trying to work out what each robot is called at events, when trying to record who won each fight. When there are several new robots without names and two are fighting each other it is often difficult to remember which is which as many robots look quite similar in shape/design.
I can see your point, but would it be impractical at all to ask people if there's confusion?
Regarding aesthetics, I'm no graphic artist so I find it very difficult to write names on the robots without making them look awful (exhibit A: Spall, exhibit B: Little Yellow Taxi XD) and having them nameless is a matter of personal preference for the most part - at the last AWS they were labelled with Dymo tape temporarily after Simon had raised it with me at RFRC, but I remain unconvinced that this rule is at all necessary I'm afraid. (I sense I may be a lone voice though...*gets more labelling tape*)
(edited for typo)
Joey McConnell-Farber - Team Picus Telerobotics - http://picus.org.uk/ - @joey_picus
"These dreams go on when I close my eyes...every second of the night, I live another life"
They do have names, just not plastered all over the robots making them look even worse than usual
*is strongly tempted to name a robot something that cannot be expressed in text*
Joey McConnell-Farber - Team Picus Telerobotics - http://picus.org.uk/ - @joey_picus
"These dreams go on when I close my eyes...every second of the night, I live another life"