Nurrrghh ok im taking a break CilitBANG for now. Need something simpler for a bit. I got on and did one of the axels for the legs. There is the cam shaft to make which is going to be a real feat ... Lathing something 2mm thick and so long takes lots of patience
In an attempt to make something easier, im going to put together Halo. Named because the amount of void on the drisk, when spinning will make it look like it is just a suspended ring or halo
Drisk is coming in at a mad 56g and 96mm diameter
Just roughed out the elements at the moment, although the drisk is final. Aside from maybe some teeth. Considering the weapon components are 85g
again, I am not bothering with armour or anything on the chassis aside from the usual construction from threaded rod, spacers and perspex.
Im sure i would build these faster if i was not so burnt out from day work...
EDIT: Watched bugglebots and will rename this fella from Halo to "Kinnettic Disassembly"